The Ultimate Guide To 媒體宣教

The Ultimate Guide To 媒體宣教

Blog Article

We must explain that by this we indicate a group of believers, living in a specific segment, with no reference to a local assembly, and devoid of selection. By way of example, a minister might communicate of theChurch of Chicago, the Church of Denver, etcetera. we immediately know that he is referring to all Christian believers in these metropolitan areas. The best illustration in the Word is: “Ye have heard of my conversation in time previous while in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the churchof God, and wasted it” (Gal.


As is legitimate in the Bodily system, so it truly is of your spiritual System; when 1 member of the human body suffers, all users experience with it. Not just one Christian can suffer persecution without the whole Body hurting also.



two. The Bride Is Espoused to Christ. “I'm jealous about you with godly jealousy: for I've espoused you to 1 husband, which i could present you like a chaste virgin to Christ” (II Cor. 11:two). The Oriental relationship differs significantly from marriage as we know it. The Jap tailor made of relationship took place following the following method: To start with, the bride was bought (we have already been bought by Christ); next, the ceremony was done, inaugurating the espousal period of time, which lasted a few year. For the duration of this time the bride was thought of the spouse of her husband, yet they didn't Are living collectively.

“I have obtained from the Lord that which also I sent unto you, which the Lord Jesus the identical evening in which he was betrayed took bread: and when he experienced offered many thanks, he brake it, and explained, Take, try to eat: That is my system, that is damaged for you personally: this do in remembrance of me. Once the exact same way also he took the cup, when 教會 he experienced supped, expressing, This cup is The brand new Testomony in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.




申請方式 訓練單位:本計畫全年度開放受理,訓練單位應向所在地之勞動力發展署所屬分署提出各項訓練計畫之申請。

寶林茶室重大食物中毒事件延燒 寇紹恩牧師籲教會為受害者及社會驚惶人心代禱守望


Some distinguish among the pastor plus the Trainer, believing there are those people who are known as only for being academics. This can be so, but we understand that all pastors are to get lecturers also. All academics is probably not pastors, but all pastors needs to be lecturers.

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